Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday's Training Session

Well today I got up around 8:45 which is later than usual but was up pretty late watching some videos on the interviews of the Cerak and Van Ryn Families whose daughters are in the book "Mistaken Identity. I did some shipping and that took me a while. Then I did some cleaning and stuff before dinner and after dinner was goofing off on the computer.

Around 2:30 I went out to lunge Navajo. I groomed him first using some new brushes I got from one of my friends. They worked very well and I had to think of my dear friend. Then I took him out and lunged him. I lunged him counter clockwise first. He doesn't respond as quick when going counter clockwise and he likes to pull on the lungeline. We are going to work on that. I then turned him around and went clockwise. He did well going that way. No pulling and listened pretty well immediately when I told him to change gaits. I was very proud of him. Tomorrow I hope to ride.

My grandparents are no longer here and so that frees me up a bit on the amount of work I have to do so I should be able to ride more this week and work with Navajo. But the weather says we are going to have rain almost every day:( I am getting tired of it raining almost every day. Anyway I guess I should be thankful since in some areas of the country they would be happy for our rain. Well must go. Have a great evening and rest of the weekend.

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