Monday, September 7, 2009

More Sayings

A horse is the most honest creature in the world - if she's doing something wrong, it's probably because you told her to!

My horse is very polite, he always lets me go over the jumps first.

You can tell a gelding, you can ask a mare, but you must discuss it with a stallion.

You know that you've been around horses to long when you have visitors coming over and you clean the stable.

Great riders are not great because of their talent; they are great because of their passion.

You know you love your horse when your mouth waters at the sight of a wagon-full of hay.

A basketball game can change a mood for the week, but a horse can change the course of a lifetime.

A love for a fad may last only a day, but a love for a horse is never ending.

Horseperson's Glossary
Auction: A popular social gathering where you can change your horse from a liability to an asset. Colic: Gastrointestinal result of eating at horse show food stands.
Colt: What your mare gives you when you want a filly.
Endurance ride: End result when your horse spooks and runs away with you.
Feed: Expensive substance used to manufacture manure.
Fence: Decorative structure built to provide your horse something to chew on.
Grooming: Fine art of removing dirt from your horse's body and applying it to your own.
Hock: Financial condition of all horse owners.
Longeing: Popular training method in which a horse exercises his owner by spinning him in circles until dizzy
Pinto: Green coat pattern found on a freshly washed gray horse left unattended in the stall for 10 minutes.
Rasp: Abrasive metal tool used to remove excess skin from knuckles.
Stall: What your rig does at rush hour in an unfamiliar city on the way to a horse show.

It's just half halts, pirouettes, flying changes, and extended trots. Relax, what could be easier?

Most of these are unknow!

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