Saturday, November 7, 2009

♥ Saturday's Ride and Work Session ♥

Good Evening...Well this afternoon I had the greatest work and ride session!!! ♥ Navajo listened to most everything I asked. I was so happy with him.

Well first I went out and got him bridled up...Then I desentized him to the trash bags I wanted to put into the dumpster. He was a little nervous about them but after a bit he was fine with them. So I hopped up on him with trash bags in hand and walked him up to the dumpster...It took two tries because the first time he was scared of the lid but the second time around he stood still and let me open the lid, put the trash bags in and close the lid. I was so PROUD! And happy..I took him and groomed him. Since I groomed him in the pen I let him walk around obvously...Well since I want to teach him to come to me when I call or whistle I did that...It took a bit for him to realize what I wanted but he came...He got praised very much!! I was so happy with him!

I walked out of the pen with him following me...Since he was following me so nicely I was like this is the perfect time to see if he will follow me at a walk and a trot without any prompting..The walking he did great..The trot it took a little prompting to get him to follow after me but he did..We did some trotting with him beside me. I didn't have my hands on the reins it was HIS choice to follow me at a trot..Then I slowed to a walk for a little and I then asked for a trot again!! He listened..not immediately but he did..I was very happy..I got him to stop.

Once I had him stopped I praised him and told him what a good boy he is:) ♥ ♥ After some praising I asked him to shake a knee.. I ONLY ASKED ONE TIME and he did exactly what I wanted..I did that three times..I was was our second time doing that and he already knew what I wanted!!! Well since he knew what I wanted him to do when I asked to shake I did a little work with moving his hindquarters and forquarters..He gets better every time!!

Finally I took him to the bucket where I get on him and hopped on...HE STOOD COMPLETELY STILL TILL I ASKED FOR HIM TO MOVE FORWARD!!! That is another area he does really great in!!

So now finally we are riding..hehe:) We rode down the strip and did some trotting and a few canters...We didn't do much at all since I figured he did an awesome job so far in the begining..then we encountered the BIG SCAREY MONSTER THAT EATS HORSES!! Well actually it was the grasshopper Navajo just thought it was a monster:) He kept backing up and didn't calm down so my uncle (who was driving the lawnmower) stopped it and shut it off and let us pass...Navajo was jumpy after that but I was really impressed with him!

So I asked for a canter while heading back (I wasn't heading back because I wanted to see how he would do when I asked him to turn around and head back out again!!). He didn't want to head out again..Well I stood my ground and told him who is boss and who says what and when and where we are going to do After many forward and backward steps I got him going where I wanted to go..I was so happy because it has been a while since he has done that!! We cantered out and he did good..then we headed back at a walk..I stopped halfway back and got him to stand still for a while!! He did good..After we that I walked home most of the way..Then I got off and got him to flex and do some moving the hindquarters and forequarters just to add some work at the end of the ride..Once we were home I groomed him and turned him out..He got praised and hugged..I was so impressed and proud of him today:)

p.s. I added this to the goals and accomplishments because I feel this was an accomplishment!

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