Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday's Groundwork!

Ok this morning I worked with Navajo on groundwork...Let's just say it went ok:D I went out and mucked out the pasture and then I went and got him and groomed him..HE seemed to enjoy that..He actually is pretty nice and white again as he got rained on Sunday...He is nice and soft:)

Anyway once we were done grooming him I decided today wer would work on moving his forquarters and hindquarters to get him really good at it..He is very good at moving his hindquarters BUT his forquarters still needs quite a bit of work. So that is what we did first thing. I got him to move them and he kept going forward so I gave him the cue and used my other hand to push him the way I wanted to go..He got it then but still needed directing..So today I showed him what I wanted and tomorrow if I ride instead of groundwork I still want to work on seeing if he remembers what I showed him today:)

He kept using his teeth and pulling on my clothing..I hit him every time he did it and that is something I want to break before it gets into a full blown biting session..I don't need that. I don't know why he is doing this because he has never done it before maybe once or twice. I know what to do I just don't like that he has the habit at all.

The work session went OK but he was either trying to eat grass or bite my clothing or not do as I asked..I would ask him to move one set of hindquarters and he moved all four feet..So the attention wasn't there like it should have been..But I have noticed we need to work at him respecting me when we work on groundwork with the halter on..because sometimes I use the bridle depending on what we all do. Just some things I noticed..So now I have an idea what all I want to work on and be a good ways hopefully on to achieving these things by spring...We will see.

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