Friday, September 4, 2009

♥ Horse Quotes 2 ♥

ok here are some more quotes/sayings. Enjoy!

Lessons From Your Horse:
When you're tense, let me teach you that there are lions in the woods, and we need to leave. NOW!!
When you're short tempered, let me teach you how to slog around the pasture for an hour before you catch me.
When you're short-sighted, let me teach you to figure out where, exactly, in 40 acres I'm hiding.
When you're quick to react, let me teach you that herbivores kick much faster than omnivores.
When you're worried, let me entertain you with my mystery lameness.
When you feel superior, let me teach you that mostly, you're the maid service.
When you're self-absorbed, let me teach you to pay attention!! (I told you about those lions in the woods...)
When you're arrogent, let me teach you what 1,200 pounds of yahoo-let's-go! speed event horse can do when suitably inspired.
When you're lonely, let me be your companion. Let's do lunch. Also breakfast, dinner, and snacks.
When you're tired, don't forget the 600 pounds of grain that need to be unloaded.
When you're feeling financially secure, let me teach you the meaning of "veterinary services, additional."
-Unknown but this one i had to laugh at!

In training horses, one trains himself - Antoine De Pluvinet

Horses comment on a car -"150 horsepower, big deal. I'd be impressed if it ran on hay."
-Unknown :)

Jumping is just dressage with speed bumps!

Riding a Shire is like a moving sofa!!! - Unknown

Be wary of the horse with a sense of humour. - Pam Brown

Do not underestimate a horse's pride, or he will dent yours! - Unknown

Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. -Unknown

When you are on a great horse, you have the best seat you will ever have. - Sir Winston Churchill

ok I think I have one more blog. Hope you guys enjoyed this and please either comment or e-mail me in what you think of this!

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