Friday, November 13, 2009

♥ Navajo's Fear of his Stall ♥

Navajo is fine...I didn't do much with Navajo actually....because last evening he was ok in his stall...he was relaxed..he ate his food and drank some water in his stall....then he walked out..I put some hay outside so he can choose where he wants to be:) (For those of you who didn't know Navajo acted completely freaked of his stall Tuesday and Wednesday evening and wouldn't even stay inside..I asked a vet and some close friends and they gave me advice..Two friends + the vet said he probably was cast in his stall and it will take a bit for him to get over his fear.) I am proud of him so far!!

I checked around in Navajo's stall and I see no bees ants small animal holes or houses or wasp nests. There are no holes in his stall either. The night that caused this all He had spread his manure around and had blood on his hoof (from a little cut above his knee). Then as I thought back over it I remembered these things that are unusual for him..also he was completely freaked out of his stall...Wouldn't stay inside. He kept running out. So I talked to my friends. I don't know really what happend. Here are my speculations.... the vet said that he might have been a little colicky but i don't believe that either really. He lays down in his stall at night I do know that. I have seen him do it. So this is what i think happened that made him scared of his stall (it happened a week ago)...He layed down in his stall got stuck couldn't get up so it scared him...and when he is scared or upset he paces and that is what spread his manure around..then he tried to get out...i don't i said in the above he is doing better now and i think if i put hay both places for the time being he will eventually go in his stall himself:) So as you can see I don't know what happened to completely freak out...I will probably never know but this is my guess. I am just relieved it is not a medical problem and just a fear of his stall (fixable problem with work). I am confident we can get past it..I know it sets us back a bit in our training but we can and WILL overcome it:)

Today's Work Session Update:
Today I did his work session inside the fenced in area outside of his stall. I had apples in my pocket (which he picked up on right to reward him with when he was in his stall and for standing still when I groomed him. I got him to back up, move his hindquarters, and forequarters..It wasn't a long work session..I gave him a massage also (check out this site for video and
details: ). He seemed to really enjoy the cross fiber (explained in video). I groomed him and just loved him up....I also got him to follow me into his stall. He did that on his own free will. He left after he got his apple But I rewarded him for being in his stall for a bit..He seems to do better and I am glad for that..

Just a special thank you to ALL my dear horse friends who helped me when I asked them questions and even if they didn't know what to do it encouraged me to have them behind me..I would never have gotten this far in training Navajo without suggestions and occasional help from my friends....THANK YOU!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

p.s. sorry if this doesn't make sense!! Navajo is doing better and I am so thankful for that!

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