Wednesday, November 11, 2009

♥ Wednesday's Work Session ♥

Today I got to work with Navajo..Yesterday I didn't get to as I had to get Rachel ready in the morning (mom was away at an amish wedding they are all day affairs).

Ok he was in last night so I got him bridled and got him to walk after me...he was acting kinda funny for some reason but he listened ok:) I took him down toward the strip with him walking nicely beside me...once he saw where we were going he decided he is going to try to run away..As I has ahold of the reins he didn't get that So we trotted back and forth along the bottom of the yard there. Then I tried it again to go down the strip.

He went ok..We trotted pretty well the whole way down the strip..He kept trying to invade my space so I put my crop up..He usually veered away. He realized that invading my space wasn't a good idea..hehe:) He got freaked out by some trucks but he calmed down:)

Once we were the whole way down I got him to do some backing..We actually did a lot of that..He was ok with that but he kept trying to back and turn...He eventually got it right though. Then we started walking back..I then started to run which is the signal for him to trot...he went right in the trot but then he wanted to go faster..So I made him stop and do some moving the hindquarters..He did really good with that:) Then we headed home..I had my hand on the rein the whole time as we were by the road..He did great and I am really proud of him!! Tomorrow I hope to have another training session if we don't have rain. Have a great evening!

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