Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today I got alot of riding in. I got to ride with Andrea today and she was on Sweet Pea and I was on Daisy. We went down to the creek and we just hopped off our horses and just played around in the water a bit. After we left the creek we went to some other trails she knows. We walked alot with some cantering..then on the way home we went up the field lane toward the Fairmount Trails and went home by way of Fairmount Homes. It was so relaxing and enjoyable to ride with her again!!

When we got back Lillian was at Sharon's. Andrea left and then Lillian and I cleaned up some piles then went in and ate supper with Earl Dean and Sharon. After supper I saddled up Ricki and Daisy and got Shasta and we headed over to Joel's (where Shasta will be for the next two weeks). Sharon and Lillian went along. Sharon ponied Ricki since Riley was going to meet up with us at the Matt's (farrier). They branched off at the farriers and I went on with Shasta and Daisy to Joel's. I dropped her off and talked a bit with Joel. I am hoping to stop in usually after Sharon's but I might not go every day..we shall see. Either way I know she is in good hands. After I left Joel's place I met up with everyone back at Matt's place. They were soon ready to head home so home we went. We did canter some on the way home but it was mostly walking just like the way over had been. When we got back I put Mateo and Freedom together and Daisy went in her own corral. We shall see how it all goes with this weaning. I do believe the foals will be fine. Guess we shall see!! :)

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