Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday and Monday!!

Wow what a weekend :) As you know I was planning on going on a ride on Sunday afternoon. I did ride and I rode Daisy. We went up to Woodcrest and it takes about an hour to get there. We rode a bit when we got up there. Then we stopped for supper. I got off Daisy and got my food out of the saddlebags. One of the other people that were along came behind me and Daisy (which is fine) and I was about ready to lead Daisy away and she kicks at the other horse. I had my hands full and was trying to wack Daisy for kicking the other horse but I couldn't do it right (hindsight tells me I should have just dropped my food and wacked Daisy with the reins a good one) and Sharon goes and wacks her good. Kicking can kill someone. It is ok if it is just horses and such but when there are people with the horses that is a totally different matter. That is why we hit her. Anyway I kept a hold on Daisy and we let the horses eat grass while we ate. After we ate we got on the horses and headed home. Overall it was a wonderful ride. Daisy is one fast horse. She can really go and she is so smoot and great to ride!! I LOVED IT. She made me cross a few times though because when we would be behind the others she did canter nicely and steadily but if she felt like it she would trot. That didn't have me happy and I worked with her on it and she did pretty good. I am so glad I got to go on a long ride like that because it helped me gauge to see how she acts and such. She doesn't like other horses and we figure it is because the former owner let Daisy's baby on her for half a year without doing anythign with either the mom or the baby and so Daisy is used to fighting horses off which isn't good. Guess we shall see. Kicking isn't a good thing so it is something we need to work on!! Other than that she did great! Beauty got ridden by Sharon's husband Earl Dean. We figured it doesn't hurt her any to get used to other people riding her!

Then for today. I slept at Sharon's overnight and then this morning we went over to where Sharon works. Sharon works at a stable and she cleans out the stalls, gives the horses water and cleans the isles (it isn't a really fancy stable but it works). There were four of us doing the work counting Sharon and we got done in good time and then headed over to the auction to get some things. I got some stuff for my new saddle (buying a saddle from has a high back but I don't care..the saddle is really comfortable) and I am selling my other saddle to my cousins :) Then we went to a chinese restraunt and after that went to an old ladies house to play games with her. Overall it was a wonderful weekend!!

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