Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday's Lunging and A Tack Shop Going Out of Business!
Some of you saw on Facebook that I went to a tack shop in Pine Grove with Sharon and my friend Lillian (I met her thru Sharon) because they were closing on Thursday. We don't know why but anyway. Everything was 40% off!! We at first thought everything had been marked down already so we were disappointed at first but then Sharon saw something one of the guys that used to come to her place to ride had and she called him to ask him how much he had bought his for..she was like I don't know how much it is with the discount and then she hung up. Well the people at the desk were like shout out the price of whatever you want and we will tell you how much it is with the discount. I got another lunge line so I can ground drive Daisy, Silverod (which is like show sheen only better..used that after Daisy's bath and boy is she lookin nice), a lime green bucket (smaller..used it to give Daisy a bath and also to wash her halter and grooming tools), some birthday gifts, a reflective vest, hoofpicks, and a blue blanket (was almost $50 but I got it for $30) for Daisy that is totally waterproof..we poared some water on a portion of it and cupped it there so that we could see if the water soaks thru and not only didn't it soak thru but it didn't even look like the blanket got wet. The pics that are at the top are of her in her blue blanket! All of us were very pleased with all we got!!
Then after we were done there I took Sharon home and Lillian and I hung out there for the rest of the day. I don't know if you guys remember the horse Sunshine I talked about. She is part Morgan and part Quarter horse. Anyway it was very warm Thursday so we gave her a bath and we didn't know how it was going to go as she is so skittish otherwise but she did wonderful for her bath. We got her dried off and tacked her up and I rode her around there for a while. Once Earl Dean came back with Lynelle and her horse Glory and Blacky (a pony) Lillian, Little Andrea, Sharon, Lynelle and I all headed out (I rode Sunshine). She did pretty awesome..I just love riding her. We got back untacked and I headed home ;)
I got to lunge Daisy Friday. I worked at the suggestion of a friend to lunge her with the chain over her nose first before I try it without and I figured hey why not. I did this and it seemed to work. I have it figured out. Daisy likes to not listen and pull and act all dumb the first half of the lunging session then towards the very end she settles down and listens to me and does what I want her to. It is kinda funny but a little annoying..hehe! I got her to lunge three times to the right without her pulling so I stopped and I figured out that sometimes the way she reacts it is my fault because of my body language and such. So we are learning together ;)
Since it was so warm I gave Daisy her a bath. It was in the 70's which was so awesome!! Then I blanketed her after she was dry because it got really windy. She had her blanket on today again and was laying down and I quick got a picture before she got up!! So that is why the picture looks a tad funny because she was getting up just as I snapped the pic :D Anyway hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
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haha she got that new blanket dirty it looks like!!