Today was so awesome. I went to work at 7:45 and worked till 11:45 am then headed out and went to Sharon. Got to Sharon and helped saddle up the horses and we left her place around 12:45 or right around there anyway. I was riding Curly with a bareback pad same as I had Sunday. He is more of a bony horse than either Navajo or Daisy are so it can make you sore!! :D We went up to Woodcrest and rode the trail and also ate lunch up there. Yummy :D Then rode back to her place and got back around 3:30 or so. Then I left and came home.
Once I got home I talked a bit to my family but then headed out to ride Daisy. Saddled her up and headed out. I talked to my neighbor about taking care of her dogs for her at the end of this month for about 15 min or so then again we headed out. We went a different way again but Daisy did awesome and she didn't spook much. I should say that today was quite nice and warm in the 70s or more!! Awesome! I worked on Daisy's trot and she did really well then I worked on her listening to my seat telling her to go instead of voice commands and a tap on her side. Wow she caught on fast. It was so awesome pushing my seat forward for the trot then posting for a while then pushing my seat front again and getting her to canter. It was so much fun. We rode for about an hour overall. Once we got back here on the farm I got Daisy to trot around the barn both ways really well then we quit. I unsaddled her and since she was nice and sweaty I hosed her down. That she really appreciated! Overall it has been an awesome day so far! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
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