Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday's Ride!!

I got to see Miss Daisy again last night ;) When Cheryl and I got there (I took my older friend Cherly along) Sharon, Andrea and Lillian were all waiting for us. We discussed what we wanted to do, either ride on the trails around there (only an hour or so) or ride up to Woodcrest and ride the trails there (there and back = 3 hrs). The end vote was ride up to Woodcrest. So that is what we did. We went up there, ate some supper, rode around on the trails and then headed home. There was a log in the middle of the path and we could have walked over it but Daisy and I jumped it as did Curly and Lillian and Andrea and Lightning. So awesome :D We also galloped twice..Daisy really loved that..she is learning to collect in the hackamore when we ride and that is good :) Then after we got back Daisy and I and Andrea and Lightning did some jumping in the meadow. Daisy and I jumped the tires and Andrea and Lightning jumped the jump :D The tires are there so we can teach them to stick their hooves in them as we walk over them. I did that with Daisy too after I had jumped her. She did awesome. Then I hosed her off and put her in the main ring. After that we kinda did whatever till about 9 or so and then Lillian reminded me she wanted me to help her join up with Diamond her almost year old colt. I was like ok. I showed her what to do with him and then I let her take over. It took a bit but she joined up with him. He followed her and everything and she hadn't been able to do that was SO AWESOME TO WATCH and be a part of. I was so happy!!

Oh Sunshine is going to be sold to most likely the neighbor boy (well he isn't really a boy but anyway :D). What she really needs is just one person to handle her and one person to do everything with her. Some horses are just that way..they do better when just one person handles them. So that is what Sharon has decided. I am not sad really. I am going to be helping with the babies and such so I will have plenty to keep me busy besides Daisy :) Hope you have a great Easter Weekend. I am spending the night at Sharon's both tonigth and tomorrow night and will be home again Sat night :D Have a good day!!

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