Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Joyful Hearts Chorus Tour to Ontario Canada "2011"

Well I am honestly not sure where to start exactly :D Well Tuesday morning we met at the church around 10 and got off by I think it was 10:30 or 10:45..somewhere in between there. Our destination was Dundee NY where the first church was. We drove for a few hours then stopped for some lunch. After lunch we drove some more. We got to the church around 4;30 which is so awesome. Some of us bumped volleyball and other thru frisbees and football. Then we had supper and then it was time to get dressed. We get dressed there at the church which can be interesting :) But it always works out ok. Then that night we are taken to the home churches people's houses. The cool thing of it was I got to stay at my aunt and uncles house. That was just awesome. I stayed there with my friend Lori but I thought it was nice that I got to talk with my aunt and just be there :)

Then we crossed the border into Canada on Wednesday. We stopped but two people came on the bus checked out passports and left us thru. We stopped at Niagara Falls on the Canadian side for an hour and a half then. That was a ton of fun. I got some nice pics. We got to the church that day decent time as well. Then Thursday we had a work day at EagleWings Discipleship Ministry (they do counceling there). Us girls weeded the garden and flowerbeds while the guys did some cleanup work. It was a very fullfilling day. Then that evening we had a program again and went to the church peoples houses :)
Friday we went to the beach at Port Elgin and I got some pics of my friends and I and the beach and of writing stuff in the sand :) That was a lot of fun. We had a program again that evening and slept at the church people's houses (that is how we do the lodging for the chorus..Usually it is 2 or more people of the chorus at each house...Pretty awesome! We had approx 55 people on the bus with us..some of those were the bus driver and his wife, spiritual adviser and his wife and the *chorus parents* and also the chorus director and his wife and the rest are chorus memebers). Saturday we ate out (we ate out for lunch every day all except Thursday) but instead of each person paying their own meal the chorus fund paid for it. Then we went up to St Jacobs Ontario (we were in Ontario the whole time). That was a lot of fun and I found some bday gifts for some friends :) We had a program again that evening and stayed at the church peoples house for the last time.
Sunday we had our program in the morning for the church service, ate lunch there at the church and then headed for home at 1:30 p.m. We got to the border at 3:30 and didn't get out of there till 5:30 or so. Some of that was waiting in traffic and some of it was just waiting for them to come get us off the bus. They told us to get off the bus go into gated area to wait our turn. Then when it was our turn they ran our passports thru the system and then we were free to go. Really awesome. We stopped for supper around 7 or 7:30 p.m. It was just sandwiches and chips and cookies (and carrots) that the chorus parents had bought the day before at the store. Then we got back to the school at 11:30 or so...It was quite the long day for a drive but I had so much fun and I for sure don't regret going!! I will get pics in another post as soon as I can!! <3

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