Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday and Monday!

Sunday: Since I thought it was chilly (you know fall has arrived) and I wasn't really into riding I decided to lunge Daisy. She did quite well for the most part. Actually I think she did the best she has ever done. I even got her to canter both ways and she did ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I was so pleased :) Once I had lunged her and I asked her to come and she came I took the lunge line off and then she and I went walking and trotting (her trotting, me jogging) around the areana. Daisy listened quite well. I am pleased with how she does on the ground...well most of the time. I had brushed her really good before I lunged her and the owner's children were helping me...then afterwards they were like she did really good she deserves an apple. I said well I don't have an apple and they said we do, may we give her one? I said sure so she got loved on and was given apples ;)
Monday: Right after work yesterday I went to Sharon. MaryRose and Sara were there as well and we all went on a ride. I got to ride Silver (a horse I had trained for Sharon...3 yr old Tennessee Walking horse. Never had been worked with when I trained him) and it was neat seeing how just hours on a horse after he is started under saddle makes a difference. But then my cousin Sara and I traded horses (she was riding a new horse Sparkles) and I could tell how green Silver still is. Sparkles is a registered Paint horse, if I am correct, and she reminded me so much of Daisy as far as her having AWESOME speed and just her power take off :D :D Sparkles is 5 and has two years of riding compared to Silver's being 3 and only having a few months of riding on him. Either way it was great to go riding with Sharon again.
Then once I got home and ate supper I went to ride Daisy. Since it was later in the day and it starts to get dark earlier now due to it getting later in the year I knew I didn't have too much time. So I went and got her out of the meadow and put the snaffle on and just hopped on her bareback. We went around the back and cantered a bit back there. Once back there we turned around and headed front and kept on going. Out the driveway we went and on down the road although we walked once we got to the road. I did ask her to trot a few times but posting bareback is hard after you haven't done it for quite a while. Daisy did pretty good. I was kinda amazed how well it all went but I feel like I am getting somewhere with her being in the snaffle. Anyway on the way back we met up with a lady out on a walk with her two children. Her daughter seemed really interested in Daisy so I asked her if she wants to pet Daisy and she said yes so Daisy and I went over and she got to pet Daisy :) Then I talked to the girl's mom a bit. I think that is one of the things I like so much about horses cause it seems people are more open to talking to a person on horseback. Anyway we headed back to the barn.
Once back at the barn I had some issues with Daisy. I have always been able to take the bridle off and put the halter on without any issue. Well of course that isn't how it went. She decides OH I am free and takes off toward the meadow and Freedom. I figured she would stop and she did. I headed out to her and I got her attention and made her back up and turn her but. I just worked with her a bit like that and then asked her to follow me. She wasn't ready to follow me so I made her back up and move her but some more. We worked at this a bit and then she was willing to follow me to the barn. Halfway there we stopped and then she didn't wnat to follow me again. I worked her thru that and I got her to follow me to the barn where we stopped again. I had the same issue as before so worked her thru it. Once in the barn I stopped then asked her to come and Daisy followed right away. I praised her for doing so well and listening to me (once she did). Then I brushed her and put her out with Freedom. She has never ever done that before but lately she has been challenging me as far as ground manners go so I wasn't too surprised with the behavior. Not acceptable either way but I felt like I got my point across without really having to do much :)

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