Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Green Grass and a Ride

The grass is slowly turning green :) It is so nice to see this sign of spring! Also looks like we will have some warm days ahead of us this week. I have off Friday and Monday because the boys dad works the weekend so he has off those days. So I plan to do some stuff with the horses but I also have plans to catch up with a friend on Friday evening. Really looking forward to that!

Today Sarah came up to ride and we rode for a good hour. We weren't to far and some children asked if they could pet the horses. So Daisy got some loving. Mischa got a little bit too. On the way back, a little boy asked if we would come over so he could pet the horses. To me that makes it worth it to me. Meeting people who live around here and allowing others interact with the horses, even if it is just for a short bit. I was pleased with how Daisy did. She listened well overall. Before we left the barn I got her to do a disengage her hindquarters and do some backing and I think that might have attributed a bit to how she was listening. I didn't work with Freedom tonight but I might tomorrow if it works out. I need to get to bed early tonight since the last few evenings I was occupied with other things which went later into the evening.

On another note, here is a song that I heard the other day and has quickly become one of my favorites :) How Far is Heaven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ZCFOHINZk

1 comment:

  1. Ah, green grass isn't a go here! It's just starting to be spring!!! Today I groomed a horse that needs to be vacuumed SO badly. The hair she's shedding is INCREDIBLE.
