I had a busy week so I didn't get to ride till this weekend. I rode Daisy bareback and bridleless a little bit on Friday evening. I mostly did some walking, turning and backing but we did canter a bit. I didn't have much time to work with her on Friday as I had planned because I was helping here at home with the garden and some other odds and ends. I had fun planting our garden though. It is always fun working with my family!! I did get to love on both horses a bit and say Happy Birthday to Freedom. It is hard to believe (I know I keep saying that) that two years ago he was just a little baby!!
Friday evening I ate supper and spent the evening at Sharon's. My cousin's were there and then just Sarah and Maryrose and I stayed the night. Since Sarah and Maryrose had plans to go to garage sales around 7 this morning, Sharon and I decided we would go for a ride since we were going to be up anyway. We ate breakfast around 6 and then Sharon and I headed out. I rode Sugarfoot (Freedom's half brother. He is a year older than Freedom). I had ridden him last Saturday and he had behaved decently then. This morning he decided to spook at everything. I had fun working him through the things he was scared with. Really makes me look forward to working with Freedom under saddle. I haven't worked him much lately but I have done some more thinking and I plan to maybe just stick to groundwork and light driving over summer and then come this fall and winter (when he is 2 1/2) start some light riding and next spring do a bit more. We shall see how all things go. After I left Sharon, I came home and rode Daisy.
I was really impressed with how she did today. I brought her down here to the farm again. I came home right over lunch. She listened quite well on the way here. Once here, I tied her till after I had eaten my lunch. Then I decided to work her a bit in the field out behind the hay shed before heading back up to the barn. I didn't run her because she was giving me a hard time about walking. She knows how to be light on the bit but she is a horse that likes to test you to no end. Well I just worked her through it by stopping, backing, turning circles, making her weave and anything to keep her feet moving. I had to laugh at her because I could tell she was not happy that I wasn't allowing her to go as fast as she would have liked but in the end she accepted what I said. On the way home, she walked very nicely without me having to remind her to behave. I am hoping to ride her more this next week because I am not so busy but we shall have to see how it goes. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
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